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The Prince's Forbidden Virgin


  The Prince’s Forbidden Virgin


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  ‘Rosa! Telephone!’

  Rosa Fierezza saved the file she was working on and closed her laptop. ‘Coming,’ she yelled, uncurling from the sofa in her bedroom.

  But her flatmate was already at her door. She handed her the telephone, and murmured with a wicked grin, ‘Some guy with a gorgeous voice and a very sexy, barely there accent? From Niroli, I assume…’

  Panic iced through Rosa. New Zealand was half a world away from the island kingdom where she’d been born, youngest in the family of the heir to the throne, and although her sister and brothers kept in close contact, it was always by email except on her birthday.

  Her throat closed at the memory of her parents, lost with an uncle in a yachting accident. Swallowing hard, she forced down the fear and said as crisply as she could, ‘Hello.’


  Only two syllables, yet she knew instantly who owned that deep voice, its cool deliberation never quite concealing the undertone of controlled sexuality. Rosa froze, closing her eyes to block out more memories. Her heart contracted painfully, then started racing in wild, impossible hope.

  In a quiet, flat tone she said, ‘Max? Is it Max?’

  ‘It is, little cousin.’ He sounded grave. ‘How are you?’

  ‘Fine,’ she responded unevenly, also speaking her native language. ‘Max, is something wrong?’

  He was quick to reassure her. ‘Nothing to do with the family. As far as I know everyone is very well.’

  Warmth stole back into her skin. The sudden, unbelievable deaths of her parents and uncle had jolted her confidence, making her too conscious of the fragility of life.

  Max went on, ‘Except Grandpapa, of course, but he’s as fit as can be expected for a man of ninety.’

  The King of Niroli, their mutual grandfather, was preparing to abdicate after securing the succession. Max had been born so far down the royal line he could never have expected to achieve the throne, until Rosa’s brothers and his had scandalously chosen love over their heritage. Now he was the heir.

  Rosa asked warily, ‘So why have you rung?’

  ‘Because you’re the family scientist. Giovanni Carini—do you remember him?—tells me that as part of your master’s degree you’re researching methods of dealing with shot blight in grapevines.’

  ‘Of course I remember Giovanni.’ She smiled as she recalled the elderly man whose whole life had been spent tending the precious vines of Niroli. Then realising what Max had said she drew in a sharp breath. ‘Surely not—not shot blight on Niroli?’


  She said sharply, ‘How much? And where?’

  ‘In at least three vineyards in the Cattina Valley.’ His voice was grim.

  The icy patch under Rosa’s ribs expanded. The valley and the foothills of the mountain range that bisected the island were Niroli’s richest vine-growing area, where the famous white grapes of the island flourished.

  An epidemic of blight there would be disastrous for the economy.

  Quickly she asked, ‘Have you quarantined the vineyards?’

  ‘Of course. But I need to know the latest and best way to deal with the outbreak. Can you help?’

  A princess of Niroli, Rosa’s personal feelings meant nothing compared to the welfare of the people. Shot blight—a vicious disease that first peppered the leaves with holes, then crept inexorably through each vine, eventually killing it—could destroy the ancient vineyards, made immensely valuable over the past years by Max’s hard work and brilliant business acumen.

  And with the vineyards would die a way of life and a wine that had lasted for over two thousand years. It didn’t bear thinking about.

  ‘I hope so,’ she said cautiously, wishing she could be more confident. ‘We’ve been working on a method of control that doesn’t involve uprooting and burning every vine in a five-kilometre circle around each infected vineyard. It’s early days yet, but, if I can get the powers-that-be here to release the spray, we could use this outbreak as a field test.’

  ‘I already have names and contact numbers,’ Max said with the steely authority that had always intimidated her. ‘They’ll release it.’

  A wry smile curved Rosa’s full lips. If anyone could manage that, Max could.

  Years before he’d inherited vineyards in the Cattina Valley, where the region’s peasant wine-makers and makers still clung to the methods of the Romans who’d planted the first white grapes on the sunny slopes of the foothills. Very little was exported; they’d lived a bare, subsistence life.

  Max had changed all that. With Giovanni Carini’s aid, and driven by the iron-clad sense of duty that would take him to the throne, he’d used his personal charisma—a formidable blend of authority, inherited charm and intimidating intelligence—to persuade the growers to join a co-operative that combined the best of their traditional methods with modern wine-making techniques.

  The results had been amazing; Porto Castellante Blanco, the wine produced from the area, sold at premium prices all over the world, and the vineyard owners had more security than they’d ever dreamed of—security that could be stolen from them overnight by shot blight.

  She had to do what she could to help her fellow countrymen.

  In a level, slightly cool voice she said, ‘You don’t think it would be better if I contacted my superiors instead of you?’ Irony infused her final words. ‘This is my speciality, and they know me.’

  ‘And I’m sure they are your best friends,’ he said, his tone hardening, ‘but I have power, and influence, and I’m prepared to use it.’

  It sounded arrogant, until he went on, ‘The future of Niroli’s vineyards—and of thousands of people—depends on getting this outbreak under control. It’s the age of the vines that make the wine so magnificent. If we have to uproot them and plant new ones, we’ll lose that superb flavour for possibly a whole generation. And that’s not taking into account the ten years before we dare plant again.’

  Rosa bit her lip. She knew that tone; Max had made up his mind.

  What he hadn’t said was clear, too. He didn’t take her seriously; to him she’d always be the geeky adolescent kid who’d embarrassed him with a passionate crush five years previously.

  Not that he’d shown any response to her awkward infatuation, but his previous casual affection had become more studied, more formal, and she’d sensed the wall of reserve behind his friendly attitude.

  And a girlfriend—gorgeous, clever and hatefully kind—had appeared within days of Rosa’s first blush.

  A turbulent mixture of rebellion and remembered pain stiffened her spine. Coolly she said, ‘Then all I can do is wish you good luck.’

  He said, ‘I want you back here. You can speak the language; the vine-growers know you. They’ll be more prepared to listen to someone they trust.’

  Without giving herself time to react to his words, Rosa said crisply, ‘I’ll organise that.’

  Embarrassed, she realised that her voice held a note of defiance; she controlled it to finish, ‘I doubt if even your power and influence will get the spray released without my supervision, and they’ll want reports on progress.’

  He said levelly, ‘I expected no less. Thank you, little cousin. At this moment the Niroli wine industry needs all the help it can get.’

p; Rosa had to stop herself from throwing the phone across the room. ‘Little cousin’. Two simple words, but with them his reminder that according to the ancient rules of Niroli cousins could not marry. It hadn’t been necessary. She was an adult now, and the memory of that humiliating crush was nothing more than a small embarrassment.

  So she bade Max an ultra-polite farewell, and waited until the connection was cut before muttering an oath that would have singed his ears.

  Then she did five minutes of breathing exercises before washing her face and braving her flatmate’s curiosity.

  Kate met her at the kitchen door, a mug of coffee in each hand. Thrusting one at Rosa, she asked, ‘OK, which cousin was that?’

  ‘Max,’ Rosa told her cheerfully, accepting the mug. ‘He’s the youngest son of my father’s younger brother.’

  ‘Oho, the next king!’ After a sharp glance at her Kate said, ‘Is he as gorgeous as his voice?’

  A solicitor, Kate was utterly discreet. During the media turmoil over the succession to the Niroli throne she’d been frequently ambushed by journalists, only to say brightly each time, ‘Sorry, I don’t know anything about it.’

  To a particularly annoying and persistent member of the foreign press she’d added kindly, ‘New Zealanders don’t worry about that sort of thing, you know. We take people as they come.’

  So Rosa had no hesitation in saying, ‘Every bit as gorgeous.’

  ‘Will he make a good king?’ Kate enquired.

  Rosa said briskly, ‘An excellent one. He’s an interesting mixture of wine-maker and brilliant, ruthless businessman, but he’s big on honour and conscience and responsibility.’

  ‘In other words, he’ll hate it,’ Kate said shrewdly. ‘You know, your dinky island kingdom should really give up this royal thing. OK, the trappings are fabulous, but it seems to be a bar to any sort of happiness. Your brothers and cousins certainly think so—they’ve all skipped. And your sister has made sure she’s never going to be asked to sit on the throne by marrying her rebel tycoon.’

  Rosa shrugged. ‘It was his father who was the rebel, not Domenic, and Isabella is head over heels in love with him! Anyway, women don’t inherit on Niroli.’

  ‘Why not?’ In spite of her lack of respect for the institution of monarchy, Kate fired up at this injustice. ‘That’s outrageous! Don’t tell me it’s illegal to have a queen!’

  ‘As far as I know there’s no actual rule against it.’ Rosa frowned. ‘Which is interesting, now I think of it. Heaven knows we’ve got enough other family rules—it’s a wonder someone didn’t turn that one into law! But I suppose there’s always been enough sons to make it unnecessary. However, Max rang to tell me that what seems ominously like shot blight has turned up in Niroli.’

  Kate understood enough of Rosa’s research to give a low whistle. ‘Bad news.’ After a glance at Kate’s face, she amended that. ‘Bad, bad news.’

  ‘Very. I’m going home as soon as I can get a flight.’

  Instantly Kate said, ‘I can do that—I love buying air tickets. The sooner the better? First class all the way?’

  ‘I don’t care—if that’s the only way to get there, yes.’

  ‘Ah, what it is to be a rich princess,’ Kate said happily, and settled in to make deals, her favourite thing in the world.

  ‘Business class,’ she announced triumphantly half an hour later as Rosa locked her suitcase. ‘Straight through to Rome, followed by a feeder flight to Porto di Castellante. I’ll drive you to the airport.’

  Rosa’s grateful smile was interrupted by the irritating warble of the telephone.

  ‘Finish organising yourself,’ Kate commanded. ‘I’ll answer it.’ She called out a few seconds later, ‘It’s for you.’

  Max again? Rosa swallowed, furious at the thudding of her pulse.

  But it was her superior, who she’d rung and failed to get. ‘I hear you’re leaving us temporarily,’ he said drily. ‘Your cousin certainly has a way with him—and terrific connections. I’ve just got an order from God himself to give you and Prince Max every assistance.’

  Although he’d probably been startled by the order from above, he sounded intrigued rather than angry. Stifling a sigh of relief, Rosa told him of the situation and together they mapped out a plan of attack.

  After she’d hung up she gave a cynical little smile.

  Max was renowned for getting his own way. Of course God—known to the world as the CEO of the huge multinational company that owned the lab—had agreed to Max’s request. It wasn’t every day a future king called for help.

  From his vantage point above the concourse, Max scanned Niroli’s only international airport, his eyes searching the crowd of tourists. If Rosa had let him take care of the arrangements she’d have flown home on the royal family’s private jet, but when his PA rang his cousin with instructions, she’d discovered that Rosa was already on her way.

  The door into the room opened to reveal the airport manager, his face wreathed with smiles. ‘Your Highness,’ he said with a flourish, ‘Princess Rosa has arrived.’

  Astonished, Max stared at the woman coming towards him. He’d last seen her two years ago at the state funeral of her parents and his father; heavily veiled and clad in deepest mourning, she’d been a tragic figure.

  Not so the woman who thanked the manager, waiting until he’d closed the door behind him before turning towards Max with head held high, a slight smile curling lips that were glossed and full, her exotic, tilted eyes enigmatic beneath sleepy lashes. Blue-black hair was caught up in a kind of loose bun, showing off a slender neck and excellent carriage as well as the features that proclaimed her Mediterranean heritage.

  Even after a flight from the other side of the world she looked immaculate, long, elegant legs clad in jeans she managed to make both sexy and chic, and her casual, crisp white shirt revealing some very interesting curves…

  Although she didn’t possess her sister Isabella’s glamour and sophistication, she packed a powerful punch. With an effort, Max hauled his thoughts—and his body—back under control.

  ‘Rosa,’ he said, smiling.

  ‘Hello, Max.’ Her voice revealed a disconcertingly husky note that backed up the unconscious promise of those darkly mysterious eyes.

  Angrily Max fought back a surge of reckless desire. Hell and damnation, she was his cousin!

  Forbidden fruit in every way.

  ‘Welcome to Niroli.’ Normally he’d have dropped a brief kiss on both cheeks, but he rapidly discarded that idea.

  ‘I wish it could have been under better circumstances.’ She held out a hand in greeting. ‘You’re looking remarkably cheerful for someone who’s fighting blight.’

  ‘And you’re looking remarkably bright for someone who’s just travelled halfway around the world!’ Her fingers were warm, her grip strong—and he responded far too eagerly to her touch.

  ‘I slept on the plane.’ Colour tingeing the skin above her sculpted cheekbones, she pulled her hand away.

  Startled and irritated by his swift, dangerous reaction, Max asked formally, ‘You’ve come through Customs and Immigration?’

  Her amused grin crinkled her eyes. ‘If you could call it coming through. All it took was one swift glance at the passport with the crown emblazoned all over it, and the customs officer waved my bag through unopened. Yes, I’m legally on Niroli. Has the stuff from the lab arrived?’

  ‘It came in by freight plane first thing this morning, and is already at Cattina.’ He held open the door for her, and once outside said, ‘We’re driving there straight away—Grandpapa isn’t feeling particularly well and his doctors have advised no excitement, so he’s sent you his love and his profound gratitude for your help. He’ll see you when he’s feeling better.’

  Were her ears playing tricks, or had he emphasised the word Grandpapa—and therefore her close relationship to Max? Yes. Firming her lips, she hid the heat in her skin by nodding so that a wavy lock of black hair fell across her cheek.

sp; On their way down in the elevator she said, ‘How ill is he?’ When he hesitated, a chilly foreboding scudded the length of her spine. ‘You can tell me.’

  Max’s arrogant jaw tightened. ‘He’s old and tired and stressed beyond belief by everything that’s happened recently, but his doctors are not alarmed by his condition. When he’s feeling better I’ll bring you back to see him.’

  He ushered her out into the sun, still hot and golden and summery.

  Rosa glanced up at him, and a fierce, urgent hunger took her by surprise. He was breathtakingly handsome. Lazy sunlight streaked his bronze hair, and gilded his angular, tanned face.

  Those old genes still held their potency, she thought, fighting to control her reckless response. When she’d been five her father had taken her to see a statue over two thousand years old, recently excavated in the northern part of Niroli. The magnificent Grecian-style athlete with its ancient eyes and dramatic naked beauty had made a considerable impression on her.

  Those same classical features lived again in Max—and the same hard determination.

  He’d make an excellent king, she thought loyally, and it didn’t matter a bit that his ascension to the throne would finally kill the stupid, romantic dreams she’d never quite been able to banish. One of the ancient laws that bound the ruler of the island kingdom was that he couldn’t marry a blood relation.

  When Max had been accepted as the royal heir she’d accepted that this silly hangover from her adolescence was doomed.

  Unfortunately, it had only taken one glance at him to demonstrate that she hadn’t convinced some foolish, hidden part of her. When he’d smiled at her that crazy, irrational mixture of anticipation and awareness had sprung into life again like wildfire—dangerous, beautiful, almost uncontrollable.

  Well, she had to control it.

  ‘How do you feel about being next in line of succession?’ she said as they headed towards an unmarked black car waiting for them in a secure area.

  No sooner had the words been spoken than she wished she could call them back. Max’s compelling magnetism made him hugely attractive, but he’d always been an intensely private man.